Street Closures

Local Traffic Alerts

For the latest information on street closures, check out the Public Work’s Facebook page.

Street Construction

For more detailed status updates of on-going street construction projects, the Public Works Department sends out periodic email notifications regarding impacts from street construction. If you would like to sign up for email notifications, contact the Public Works Department by email at or by phone at 920-886-6240 and indicate which project location you are interested in receiving status updates on. For information on future street construction projects, you can visit the engineering/construction page here.

Highway 41 & 441

You can also view traffic cameras and get traffic alerts by visiting the Wisconsin 5-1-1 website. Click here to view the Wisconsin 5-1-1 website. If you register an account, you can select to receive notifications for your area.

Request a Closure

If you are in need to close a portion of the street (including parking lanes, sidewalks, and terraces) for a project or event, contact the City Traffic Engineer by email at or by phone at (920) 886-6243.

For more details, select the type of closure below:

Work within the public right-of-way requires a Street Occupancy Permit and must be supplemented with traffic control in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  The city does not supply traffic control for private projects.  It is the responsibility of the agency/contractor doing the work to provide and maintain traffic control.

If the work requires use or closure of a travel lane, a traffic control plan must be provided to and approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to work.  Depending on traffic volumes, time-of-day restrictions may apply.

Any dumpsters or portable storage containers (such as PODS) to be placed within the public right-of-way requires a Street Occupancy Permit.  Click here to apply.  Listed below are conditions for approval:

  • The maximum time a container may be placed within public right-of-way is two weeks.
  • Containers must have reflective sheeting along the vertical edges of the unit or must be barricaded with cones with reflective sheeting, if placed overnight.  The City does not provide barricading materials. 
  • Containers may only be placed on the street within a legal parking stall/lane.
  • Containers may not encroach on any travel lane, bike lane, or sidewalk unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer.
  • For information on placement of dumpsters or portable storage containers on private property, see City Code 26-550(1)(f).

Any equipment or construction materials (such as gravel) to be placed within the public right-of-way requires a Street Occupancy Permit.  Click here to apply.  Listed below are conditions for approval:

  • Dirt/soil may not be placed in terrace areas.  Placement on the street is not permitted.
  • Proper barricading of equipment/materials must be provided and maintained.  The City does not provide barricading materials.
  • Equipment/materials may only be placed on the street within a legal parking stall/lane.
  • Equipment/materials may not encroach on any travel lane, bike lane, or sidewalk unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer.
  • The right-of-way must be cleaned and restored to its condition prior storage.

If you are looking to utilize or close a street or sidewalk for a block party or special event, you will need to obtain a permit.  Click here to view the Public Works Permit page.