A well-maintained transportation system is vital for business growth and development and for maintaining a healthy economy. We understand the needs of our business residents to move their product to the marketplace fast, conveniently, and economically. Neenah and the greater Fox Cities area takes pride in its transportation infrastructure.
Transportation in and around Neenah and the Fox Cities is fast and efficient, and connects conveniently to major metropolitan markets. According to the US Census, the mean travel time to work was less than 18 minutes. Quick and easy access is provided to the City’s industrial area, downtown business district and other major commercial corridors via several interchanges from Interstate 41.
Appleton International Airport (ATW) is conveniently located in Northeast Wisconsin just minutes north of Neenah. ATW is a federally certified commercial service airport owned and operated by Outagamie County. The state-of-the art facility serves as a virtual office providing access to a number of professional accommodations such as: On-Site Car Rentals from 6 name brand companies, free Wi-Fi, and close, affordable parking to name a few. The airport’s current facilities include over 20 buildings and approximately 117 acres of paved surfaces situated on 1,697 acres.
Wittman Regional Airport (OSH), also a federally certified commercial service airport, is located just a few minutes south of Neenah. Wittman Regional Airport is more widely known as the home for the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) headquarters, the annual EAA Fly-In, and museum which attracts thousands of people to the airport throughout the year. Wittman Regional Airport is owned and operated by Winnebago County. The airport sits on 1,400 acres of land with over 100 hangars and 4 runways.
Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport (GRB), located in the Green Bay area, provides additional commercial air service within 30 miles of the Fox Cities.
Regular and reliable freight railway service is provided to many of the area’s industrial parks by the Canadian National Railroad (CN). In addition, trailer on flat car (TOFC) and container on flat car (COFC) services are available. CN provides area businesses with warehousing as well as the transporting of goods and materials. CN transports a diversified and balanced portfolio of goods including petroleum and chemicals, liquid biofuels, grain and fertilizers, coal, metals and minerals, forest products, and automotive. CN has one of the best operating ratios in this industry and is committed to moving more freight, more quickly and with fewer assets.
Local fixed-route bus service within Neenah and the Fox Cities is provided by Valley Transit. Inter-regional bus service is available through Greyhound Bus Lines. Additionally, several area firms provide chartered bus service.
Over 50 trucking and ten warehousing firms have operations in the Fox Cities. Services available include local and long distance motor freight, contract and heavy hauling, and liquid or dry bulk trucking. Load pooling and transfer services are also available.
The ports of Green Bay, 30 miles north of the Fox Cities, and Milwaukee, 100 miles south, provide easy access to the Great Lakes Seaway. Both ports handle general cargo, heavy industrial machinery and equipment, and liquid and dry bulk cargoes. Rail and truck services link the Neenah and the Fox Cities to these ports.
Neenah owns and operates its own water, sanitary sewer and storm water systems.
Neenah Waterworks serves the entire population of approximately 27,090 people and all businesses within Neenah. The average daily output was 3.35 million gallons per day in 2021, with a maximum day demand of 4.56 million gallons. The water treatment plant is designed for a capacity of 12 million gallons per day. The distribution system consists of over 140 miles of pipes ranging from 4” to 20” and over 1200 fire hydrants. The system is supported by two elevated storage tanks with a combined volume of 2,000,000 gallons with an additional 2,500,000 gallons of storage capacity at the treatment plant. Source water from Lake Winnebago is lime softened, filtered, and undergoes additional treatment steps including GAC filtration and ultraviolet disinfection in order to produce the finest quality potable water.
Neenah’s sanitary sewer collection system of interceptors, mains, force mains and lift stations has sufficient capacity to serve projected growth . Currently, the system includes 107 miles of sanitary sewer.
The City’s storm water system is comprised of 73 miles of storm sewers.
Neenah Water, Sewer and Storm Water Utility Rates
Businesses residing in Neenah have an extensive selection of digital network and fiber optic technologies from various providers allowing for cost-effective, accurate and high-speed transmission of voice and data information. The number of providers for such services allows for a variety of service levels and costs to meet the needs of the diverse customer base.
Electric and natural gas services in the City of Neenah are nearly exclusively provided by WE Energies which serves approximately 99% of the properties in the City. WE Energies has been recognized as having the most reliable distribution system in the nation.
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ACCESSIBILITY & COMPLIANCE | © City of Neenah. All Rights Reserved. Web Design & Development by Stellar Blue Technologies.