Utility Billing

Utility Billing

Utility billing is conducted in the City of Neenah Finance Department. Utility invoices are billed quarterly to residential customers and include service charges for water, sewer, and storm water.

View your Account: Click 2 Gov Utility Account Access

Account Inquiries
View Invoices
View Billing History
Make Payments

Moving Out/Starting Service

Request and schedule a meter reading if you are moving in or out of a property.

Request Changes to an Existing Account

Request billing changes such as mail address and contact information (phone number, email, etc.)
If you are moving in or out of a property, please see above.

To Pay by Automatic Withdrawal

Payment will withdraw from your bank account on your due date each quarter
Please allow 30 days for processing after signing up.

Contact Us

If we haven’t addressed your question with the options above, please contact us at one of the following options.

Email: utilitybilling@neenahwi.gov

Phone: 920-886-6145

In Person: City of Neenah Finance Department, First Floor City Hall, 211 Walnut St, Neenah, WI 54956