Development Process

If you have an existing business in Neenah and want to expand or renovate, or are planning to locate in the community, you will want to understand how to work through permitting requirements for new construction, additions, renovations, and any other development related plans you may have.

As you prepare, please keep in mind it is easier for the city to respond quickly and with accurate information if you come to us early and with a well thought-out plan. The more details you can provide help to ensure you get complete answers and good directions right from the start. You are free to stop in the Community Development office at any time. However, for the most comprehensive service, please call to arrange a meeting so we can be prepared to discuss the specifics of your project. We realize confidentiality is important in a competitive business and real estate environment, and as such will hold your information in confidence.

A typical development process should follow these steps:

  • Call the Community Development staff to discuss the project and verify the actions required for approvals and permits.
  • Prepare conceptual plans and set up a meeting with the Community Development staff to discuss potential problems or opportunities.
  • Prepare detailed plans.
  • Submit for zoning approvals (Special Use, Planned Development, Rezoning, etc.), if necessary.
  • Submit for Site Work and Building Permits.
  • Commence construction!

If you have a development team or have more than one person working on a project, it is very helpful if you designate and use a primary contact so at least one person has all of the information.

What To Expect from Us

City of Neenah staff will make every effort to help you through the development process in a quick, efficient, and smooth manner. We will be upfront with information and will offer insight relative to zoning approvals. We will treat every person who seeks assistance with respect and honesty and will make every effort to guide you through the process effectively and efficiently.

For information on land use, zoning, site plan review, signage, ordinance documents and other development-related approvals and information, please view the Planning & Zoning site.

For information on the building permit process, please visit the Building Inspection Division.


Sign Ordinance – Chapter 24
Subdivision Ordinance – Chapter 25
Zoning Ordinance – Chapter 26

Planning and Zoning Fees

Neenah Parcel Interactive Map (Includes Zoning Districts)