
Neighborhood Policing

The City of Neenah is divided into two neighborhood policing districts: East and West

View our Police Neighborhoods Map to see how the districts are divided.

How Does Neighborhood Policing Work?

Two lieutenants oversee each district, with the support of sergeants. These supervisors are responsible for tracking crime trends and traffic concerns in the district.

Officers work cooperatively with citizens to identify concerns, target specific issues, and reduce crime in their neighborhoods.

Why Implement Neighborhood Policing?

  • To be proactive, rather than reactive, in our policing efforts
  • To have the community know their officers
  • To have the officers know their community
  • To strengthen partnerships between the community and officers
  • To empower the community


Program Goals

  • Increase community engagement
  • Reduce crime
  • Reduce traffic complaints


  • For emergencies, call 9-1-1
  • For non-emergencies, call (920) 886-6000