The Public Works Department maintains the City’s wastewater collection system which collects wastewater from homes and businesses and delivers it to the Neenah – Menasha Wastewater Treatment Plant. More information about the Neenah-Menasha Treatment Plant can be found on the Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission web site.
Most of the older homes in the City have vitrified clay pipe (VCP) laterals. Over the years these pipes can develop cracks, sags and open joints allowing roots to plug the pipe or the pipe to collapse. There are a number of different options to repair the pipe and Public Works personnel are available to help determine the best option.
The entire length of the sewer lateral, extending from your home or building to its point of connection with the City sewer main underneath the street, is the responsibility of the property owner.
If you experience a sewer backup please call the City Garage at 920-886-6260 and City personnel will check the City’s sewer mains to determine if there is a problem with the City’s main or the homeowner’s lateral. After hours please call the Neenah Police non-emergency number 920-886-6000.
Wet Weather Backups
Neenah storm and sanitary sewers are designed to recognized engineering standards. However, heavy rains can cause high slough, river and lake levels, and saturated soil, which lead to flooded storm sewers. When this happens clear water can find it’s way into the sanitary sewer system, and in extreme cases causes a sewerage back-up into basements. The City has made many improvements to the sewer systems in recent years. During heavy storms, City staff work diligently to avoid basement back-ups by pumping sewerage from the sanitary system in affected areas. However, extreme weather conditions can still cause problems.
Reminder, it is illegal to discharge sump pumps to the sanitary sewer system. The discharge of clear water reduces the capacity of the sanitary sewer and increases the chances of basement back-ups.
Check Valves
Homeowners can install a drain line check valve to prevent back-ups. For an existing house, the estimated cost is $1,000. Most of the expense is for labor to remove a section of the basement floor, uncover the drain, install the check valve, and then repair the basement floor.
The check valve is not fool proof, and there are some circumstances where it may fail to prevent a back up. Still, it will eliminate many of the problems. A plumbing permit is required for the installation, even if the homeowner does the work. For more details, contact your plumber.
The City of Neenah continues to have some of the lowest rates in the state. Recent increases in the rates were necessary to make repairs to the system and upgrade the Neenah – Menasha Wastewater Treatment Plant.
If you have a question regarding your sewer bill please call the Finance Department at 920-886-6149. To learn more about utility billing, click here.
There are a number of items that should never be flushed down the toilet or poured down the drain. These materials can cause major problems in the collection system and/or treatment plant:
DNR Homeowner Guide to Building Sewer Maintenance and Repair (click here)
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